
Showing posts from July, 2016

Que esta gordo mi jake jake

Pero igual lo queremos. Creo.  Solo me quedan 15 días en Chile hasta que me voy a Missouri a estudiar/vacilar/comer dulces gringos y abrazar (a mi mama). Siento que hay caleta de cosas que me faltan hacer. No fui a Argentina, aun no veo un partido de futbol en vivo, y nunca probé la palta. Pero no quería hacer la última. Quiero planear todos mis últimos días de vacaciones, pero recién termine mis dos clases de verano, y necesito descansar. Me falta motivación. Me falta tiempo. Y aun no hago mis maletas. Pensan2 En hacer mis planes por estas dos semanas, pensaba en mis amigos. Pensé en que los voy a extrañar tanto, que quiero verlos antes de que me vaya.  De verdad este ano, he hecho amigos de oro: preciosos que valen mucho, pero demasiado. No me había dejado pensar en ellos hasta hoy, y siento que han hecho que mi tiempo en Chile ha sido lo mejor de mi vida. He tenido la oportunidad de conocer a muchísima gente en Chile: de Puente Alto hasta las Condes. Hasta Concepción. Pero cu

dream wedding (aun no me caso tranqui)

Me fui pa Conce (de nuevo)  I wouldn't say I am a big fan of weddings so I honestly don't know why I got so excited when my boyfriend invited me to be his plus one. But I still went, still got all dressed up alongside him and his sister, and I still wrote about it. In this wedding, I ate more cake then I've ever eaten, saw love in real life, and clapped along as a clown made inappropriate balloon animals.  While I was there, eating cake and pushing my salad to the side, I began to think about my dream wedding. Lets be real, the only time I have ever thought about these kind of things are when Lexus sends me wedding dress photos. But this time it was different. I thought in how I would feel if I ever got married. Would I be afraid of this commitment? Would I be head over heels in love? But that is personal, so I'm going to write about my "dream wedding."  Whatever happened to the classic white dress? Thinking of  future flower arrangements, the food, an

sola solita

How to salvage any feeling that may lie Resting in lazy veins Heart motionless Mind elsewhere Is there a name for this feeling Scientific maybe? Could it be? Or is it just the chemicals in your brain Clogged up by uncertainty?

Se ha escapado un leon... Del zologico!

Cachai que hoy no se lo que quero escribir. No quero escribir sobre mi dia, y no quero escribir en ingles, porque siento que ya tengo mi voz en espanol. Complica3. Entonces escribire sobre washitos, la musica, y obviamente mi amor por los zoologicos. Pero no en ese orden, porque no quiero orden hoy. LA LA LA LAAAAAA (el baile de los que sobran nunca terminara) La musica Chilena me fascina. Casi tanto como los hombres Chilenos. LOL. Pero en serio, me encantan todo los clasicos artistas Chilenos, como los Tres, los Prisioneros estan en el cora, y obviamente los Bunkers. Si yo estuviera en The Voice Chile, escogeria al Alvaro, y le dedicaria mis canciones de rock y de roll.  He barrido el sol de este lugar ( pero igual hay cualquier smog) Hay un zologico en el medio de Santiago, en el Cerro San Cristobal. Fui el verano pasado a ver como viven los elefantes con todo este malito smog, como saltan los monos, y hablar con los pajaros. Miraba las serpientes que me hacen echar de menos

hoy me crei periodista (de la Universidad de Chile)

Megan on a Mission: When I was thinking about what to be when I grew up (still thinking), I thought about being a Journalist. I write well, I care about things, I have a voice that I think people would like to hear. But something that journalists do, at least in the United States, is take a neutral stance on things. Their job is to report what is going on in the world, and then those watching can pick sides. But I don't think I could be neutral. Especially in my writing. But today I decided to go along with my boyfriend to his public forum/voting assembly at the University of Chile, to be a journalism student for a day. He didn't want to go: But I did. So I convinced him that it is our civic duty to vote, because if he didn't vote, than I would not put up with any complaining over the outcome. He groaned, but I think he agreed, because we made plans to meet up in the subway. I wanted to go because I love him, wanted to see him, but I also really wanted to see what happen

esto es pa que el diego se asuste

The walk home from school had become a pain. The distance seemed to have grown by miles. I know that it’s just the heat talking, but the sun feels like its raining down on me. The trees stand stationary, proof of not even the slightest breeze. Sighing, I walk into the grocery store to buy a bottle of water. Lucky me, the grocery store does not have air conditioning. Sweat gathers at the corners of my forehead as I walk down the aisles, trying to cool down. I brushed my long brown hair out of my face, tying it up in a ponytail. Grabbing a cool bottle I make my way to the line. But as I walk back down the aisle, something catches my eye. Not something, but someone. Tall, tan, and just my type. He looks about my age, probably older, I’m only seventeen. I can’t help to stare, and know I should just make my way over to the check out line but I can’t. I’d seen him there before, shopping for groceries. I pretend to be browsing the different types of ketchup, as I watch him out of the corner

yesterday my internet was slow

This kitchen is never clean. The dust and dirt just flies back onto the walls, hides in the cracks in the floors. The fly swatter is nowhere to be found, I think Marcus had it last. “Marcus! Where did you...” I stopped short. The boys were at school, and according to the tacky bird clock on the wall I was late to go get them. Why did I let my husband pick out that clock? Ex husband I mean. Sighing, I grabbed my purse, keys, and took a quick look in the mirror. Gray hairs sticking out of my bun, and the dark circles under my eyes were not a flattering look. I was hardly forty years old, but the changes had taken their toll on my once youthful looks. As I continued to critique the woman who looked back at me, there was a loud knock at the door. Strange, no one was supposed to be coming over today. “Mom!” Marcus and Jonah wrapped their arms around me, but I just looked at Helen. The typical perfect PTA mom who came accompanied by her children. She just stared. “The kids told me this


Basically a very important foto.

estoy escribiendo un ensayo pero q latis

Entonces me comere loops : es que son tan ricos los loops. Hoy fui a buscar mi carnet, soy chilena por fin, y dice ahi en mi carnet que tengo dos apellidos y todo esa vola. No tengo las medias ojeras en mi foto que tuve ese dia, y aunque me faltaba labial, igual salgo piolis. Cachai que tengo que escribir un ensayo sobre una vida en una sociedad utopia. Y me acuerda tanto de los eeuu. No porque es un utopio, obvio que no, pero porque la gente quiere igualdad. Pero igualdad en cualquier forma, onda, ni los juguetes estan a salvos de este igualdad. Pero lo que quieren ellos suena mucho como lo que paso en el cuento que lei. Pero quiza estoy puro chamuyando, porque igual, soy mas que piolis en eso. jejeje. Comi mucha pizza hoy, y pure, y bistec, y creo que eso es bacan, porque el otro dia, comi arroz y coca cola nomas, y el dia antes de el. No c q me paza. Pero hoy es un dia donde hice todos mis deberes, fui a ensenar mi clase, por fin me desperte pa visitar el registro civil, y vi a dos

shaken, shaking, cracked, crazed

I need air cold on my skin although I shiver holding my hand or better holding me up A red and green neon sign pops in the crowd with heavy Latin music and the stairs move trying to look steady taking them one by two teeth chattering and fists tightening. No one is looking at me but through me as i try look in their eyes to connect to stay grounded anywhere. He looks down at me with a look I've seen before. I know he can see that I have transformed, but looking at myself in the mirror I am still there. It's only me.

en republica, me declare

Me voy en un mes pero igual me queri: Me declare porque ya no lo pudo aguantar, tenia que decirle. Que lo amo. Y lo piensa, lo piensa, hasta que paramos de caminar. Entre besos calientes y el viento frio me dice que me ama, Te amo Megan Jolley. Y yo siento que todo es bien, todo es como debe ser, y que estamos solos, aunque estamos rodeado de luces de los autos, y gente vendiendo bufandas y audifonos. Pero son como la audencia, y las luces brillan solo para alumbrar nuestras sonrisas. Quiero decirlo mucho, te amo, te amo, sabes que te amo. Y no me da miedo, porque se que el lo siente. Llego a la casa pensativa, pensando mucho, como siempre. Pienso en porque. Y pa que. Soy joven y enomora3: Entonces digo lo que siento porque soy joven, y el riesgo lo hace mas bacan. Si podria ser mas bacan. Te amo porque bailas conmigo. Te amo porque me dejas hablar hasta que me pongo desfonica. Te amo porque me ensenas como escuchar. Te amo porquepreocupas por mi. Te amo porque escribes mejor que

cuando no sabes que hacer con tu malito vida

When she left the house, it became just that. A house, completely empty Except for the beds and clothes And a bag of frozen chicken in the freezer. We needed the heart of our home but it was gone along with all of the furniture, Because the heart was when mom got home late With Sammy greeting us all at the door, Crawling into bed with the both of them And Kevin joining us and just being together Heart beating, the house full of spirit, Full of life. But change came quick and Now we are sick and weak And there is no longer that spirit of love here, Of peace, there is not a thing, But two kids and their beds, Bags packed, ready to leave it all behind And I need to say goodbye, The house is empty, so It’s time to go, I need to let go.

JuLame 7th

Caminando, vacilando, besando, y rimando, pero a mi no me gusta  cuando solo estamos andando.  Entonces seguimos hablando,  rumbiando, y bailando,  y ya no estoy chata,  porque llevamos un mes pololeando. V LAME BUT WHO CARES 

Tengo una camara y lo llevo a todos lados mi amor

Occasionally, a perfect moment will hit you and make everything worth it. I had one Thursday. We were having a music assembly and we were waiting to go on stage, or we had just gotten off stage, I can’t really remember because we had two. I think we had already gotten off stage and sang. The orchestra was playing and Emily Sappington and Daleen and I were sitting on the front row of the balcony, just listening, with our feet up, and it was in that moment that I realized how lucky I was to have them and how perfect moments can occur so suddenly and even though perfection is impossible, it kind of proves that wrong. I wanted to remember that moment so bad, I wish I could have taken a picture. But that’s kind of what I’m doing now. Snap. Saved.  Today in the car, I couldn’t stop thinking. About the trees, about being in the forest with the sun peaking out from the trees. Its beautiful, its something we’ve all seen but its magic. And I look into the sun, knowing that I can’t even fa

I wrote this poem 4 Emma

Mangled meadows of red No longer green, no longer blooming Starting from scratch Did you know that roses generally have 26 to 40 petals? Torn up from their roots, months gone in minutes, Starting with a scratch, Did you know that moon flowers grow at night? Look closely and you see, Flowers grown over the scarred earth Horizontal sowed lines, Did you know that a daisy is two flowers in one?

i stayed up late last night and wrote poetry but not this one

The unchanging goal Always out of reach, To feel happy. Not fleeting, but a Constant state of mind. Changing how you see Yourself and realizing It can be achieved and That makes you want to Run away for the risk, That it will all go away that it could all disappear And I know it is hard to describe To explain, that right now I feel Happy