Lexy Loo

Thursday night at the Blue Room:
It was the first night that 9:30 rolled around without noticing the absence of my phone ringing, a broken routine that I had slowly forgotten. Entre chistes, algunos un poco ordinarios, algunos sin sacar ni una sonrisa, estaba agradecida por la distracion. Y ya no quiero decir distracion, quiero decir que la vida estaba pasando, y yo por fin me sentia como si yo no solo lo miraba, pero que estaba ahi.
And I laughed harder, lived louder, smiled wider. It was Thursday Night at the Blue Room and the time passed with me.
Pad Thai is good Thai:
This is just one of the moments that made me realize that I truly appreciate your friendship. Not many people would eat Chinese food in silence and watch Netflix instead of going out, patient until I was back to normal again. I think she understood that I wasn't ready yet, and as our forks scraped at the bowls, mine full, she let the television do the talking. It is hard to describe how that felt, and I never had to because I could be me.
Barbie Twins: 
I once believed that trust took years to create, a bond not to be taken for granted.
But in just a couple months I had made a friend that would stick by me through the distance and through time. We became friends in the summer and in the cold: two tall blondies walking through the ice rink. For years, that place was my second home: watching hockey games, flirting with the players, skating for hours on end. For years, I grew to know her, to realize that people had big dreams, big dreams and that they would follow them, just like I want to.
I even learned that some people love love. And some people cry at haunted houses. 
Years later we still walk in there like we own the place, like the original crew, the one that didn't follow any rules. But we are both different. And I love that. Coming back from Chile I realized that a year and a half gone changes people, and that in life, most friendships don't last. Meeting up with old friends, I realized that some of us had grown apart and I was scared.
Drunk in Love: 
Blasted through the sun roof, through the rink speakers, Beyonce would be proud. And I am proud.
Catching up, she tells me about the future. I admire her, for everything that she has accomplished. I hear about her fiance, her friends, and I am happy. Because although my life is so different, and so is hers, they go together. Together like mudhouse brownies and steak and shake. Like ice rinks and hot boys. Like Rosie and Sammy. Like friends and forever.


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