english lit

I don't know why I thought it was going to be a good idea to take a class on critical approaches to literature, nor can I remember why I thought it would be fun.
It isn't. Four hours have passed and I'm still sitting here, computer on my lap, jstore tabs open, yet to decide on a topic, on anything really.
The assignment is to use textual or literary devices and a form of literary criticism to right a final paper for this class. I just wish I knew what that meant. So I figured I'd blog, blog until I decipher these articles I have pulled up, maybe take a break to cry a little about paying for this semester.
On the plus side, I also bought shoes today.
One more day till Thanksgiving break.
I have better things to write about but I don't want to write them. Does that make sense?
I should go to bed. Homework can wait till 2morow. ILY.


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