
Showing posts from October, 2016

Caperucita Roja y sus panas.

Hoy hubo fiesta, fiesta de JAS. Pero no era cualquier fiesta pos. Era de Halloween y una fiesta de gringos mas encima, significando que empieza a las 7 y que estoy en la cama a las 10:30. Llegue como gata, vestido de tacos y de negro, mas alta que los hombres y mas enojona que los perros. Me encontre con un leon, un ciclista, un superheroe. El parte hater de mi penso irme al toque, pero habia buscado en tres tiendas diferentes por mis orejas rosadas entonces me quede. Era como un Super Sabado, pero mas incomodo y con menos gente. Me tope con un cuento de ninos; Caperucita Roja y sus panas. Sentada conversando, cache que obviamente no estaban tocando regaeton, ni habian a poner merengue, ni salsa, solo donuts. Queria bailar, pero habian donuts. Tiraba tallas con la abuela y la loba, hasta que vinieron a sacarme a bailar. Me daba risa pensar en los super sabados, esperando ansiosamente para que un nino guapo me sacara a bailar como una princesa. Pero hoy entre pisando pies y bailando


Or as I've been calling it, the mid October slump. I have given up on the idea that I will ever wake up early enough to straighten my hair before class, accepting that a messy bun on the top of my head is the best it is going to get. I give up on finding the perfect outfit for Missouri's forever changing temperatures. I have renounced my perfect attendance, in hope to make it through this semester. Midterms were last week: And I wrote three papers, had two tests, and made one collage. I spent hours studying metamorphic rocks and crustal deformation only to get a 79 percent. I wrote papers about things I really did not care about. At all. I used a blog entry and the most random photos for my last fashion assignment. I took my perfect attendance and flushed it down the drain because why not? Was it worth it? HECK YES IT WAS. I made it to about two classes, slept in till one, and lounged around the house in my underwear, because I knew that this would be my last opportunity

Plan B, C, D edited

Hoy saque las fotos de dejabo mi cama: They had been stuck under there for a month. Taking my time, I took my fingers, carefully removing the dust that had gathered on top of the glass. Brushing over every corner, each face, making them clean again. I don't know why I bothered, but it seems to help, as I slide them back under the bed, where they are doomed to stay. Doomed is dramatic, but whatever. It had been a month since I stuck them under there and I didn't know what to do with them. Nothing had really changed, the calls kept coming, and I kept answering them. We continued writing letters to each other, letters so full of love it felt like anything was possible again. So Megan what is your plan?  I'm not a planner. But I tried. I had a plan; one that was Megan-proof, fool-proof, I had that answer to the question that everyone would ask me. I was falling back into that love, getting a job to pay my way back to how things used to be. I would move back to Chile, study

Pretty when I cry

Only Lana Del Rey can be pretty when she cries This week has been hard. But I think that I'll be okay soon. For those of you who don't stalk my facebook, I am single. Not ready to mingle, will probably never be ready to mingle. I seem to enjoy finding myself thousands of miles away from boys that I love, and I don't know who to blame. The Universe? The horiscopes? Step- Vampire Weekend At least I will always have my great taste of music, and my blog. People still read it, although inspiration seldom comes. I have already written about my hatred of running shorts and Bearwear, and well, that is about the only thing that really bugs me. Other than the roaches. But the roach guy stopped by, and we will soon be roach free? The only thing that would make me happier is if we had never seen one step foot in the house. At least I am no longer afraid to kill a bug, making me wifey material at long last. Clean- Taylor Swift Her most underrated tune. But it's still good. So