My dreams I guess

I'm supposed to write an essay about my dreams for my fashion class. Draw out a little goals map, all very creative. The assignment sounds like what I do on a daily basis, plan out different futures, try weigh the happiness of one against the other. I feel like I'm running out of time, forgetting I'm only twenty years old. I feel much older than that, feel like I've lived longer. I see my friends getting engaged, moving out, moving in; it's such a strange time, trying to grow up and obsessively planning the next 25 years of our lives. It's a time to make something of ourselves.
Short term:
So I was planning on going back to Chile, to study to become a teacher, take some fashion classes. Dance around the city, revive my blog. I know you guys have missed it.
But speaking long term:
I dream of going to New York. Working in a fast paced industry, learning how to express myself, how to create, through fashion and writing. I want to come home to my little one bedroom apartment, and have my husband there, getting home from work. We'll interchange stories about terrible bosses, laugh at people we saw on the subway, eat food that is too expensive, and love.
Hot mama?
I dream of being a mother, having a family. I want my kids to trust me, to not be afraid to explore, to know that there is something new to see. I want them to grow up close to their family, as I move to Santiago, where everyone can play with them and help me change diapers. There I can teach English, I can teach fashion, I can teach what I have learned. And travel. Of course.
I've always thought I'd be a good mom. Taking time off to be with them, taking them to kidapalooza, and soccer practice. We could even eat dinner around the table, like a family; feeding them vegetables as I eat pizza, because the baby weight has miraculously disappeared. Bless. On Sunday's they'll fidgit through church, but with promises of pajamas and ice cream on the way home, I'll get us all through those three hours. I also want a dog. 
Writing this all out it may seem like maybe I have too many dreams. Some could even be deemed unrealistic. But I also know that I can't plan my life out, and that my dreams could change tomorrow. But I'm just 20 years old. And I still got time to figure something out.


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