Alex Turner will be singing me to sleep

Which is good, because I need to sleep, need to wake up earlyish tomorrow. By early, I mean 10:30. I don't know how I will survive when I get to college, and have to be on campus by nine.
I know like two days ago I was bummed about going back home, because my boy tells me to skip my flight, and the dog may just sit in the window, waiting for me to come home. But I'm actually kind of excited. I woke up excited; maybe it was the summery breeze or getting a text from my best friend, but I can't help but finally let myself miss it.
I packed my bags, and danced around the house, unusually happy and barefoot. My cousins told me I'd get a cold? But I'm excited to go home and see that as always, I am back, and cry a little because my friends have all changed so much and the town stays the same. It's strange, it'll be like going back in time, but not at all. I'm scared of course, but less and less everyday. Maybe mom will buy us another trampoline. I'd like that very much.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it'll be different, but not really, but I'm different, but I still like the Arctic Monkeys and Coke slushies.


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