I'm going back

Mis top cinco artistas:
1. The Arctic Monkeys 
2. The Strokes
4.Vampire Weekend
5.Kanye West
5.5. Kendrick Lamar
One of the things I miss the most of my life in the United States is driving my car. Here in Chile, I can go almost anywhere on the subway, and I am one of the few who appreciates the freedom it gives me, which is also something I miss. But I can't sing my favorite songs on the metro unless I want to compete with the other performers, and I can't step on the gas when I want to make a quick getaway. I also can't roll down my window and feel the summer breeze and sun on my arms. My car was perfect for me: I bought it with my own money, I took care of it, and even though it smelled like my hockey equipment, I didn't care because it was mine. On Wednesdays I would go to mutual at church with my brother. Cruising down the same old streets, listening to the same old songs. Kevin taught me how to understand and appreciate music. Turning up the volume and stepping on the gas in the almost empty parking lot, driving around like we were crazy but we knew what we were doing. Once we pulled into a space, I would turn off the car but the music stayed on. We sang, we yelled for at least five minutes before entering the church doors and exiting the car. My brother would run in ahead of me as I locked up my car. It was one of the few routines that I still liked, because I was going back to 505...


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