F is for finals week

It is now officially finals week, which is better known as the three days where I try my very hardest to remember a semesters worth of information for classes that I not only do not care about, but may have completely slept through. I identify myself as a student who no matter how much they try to motivate themselves to study, finals week arrives and it is up to me to fake my way though exams, while chanting a summertime mantra and praying that I pass my classes. I wish I could say that I was studious, notes in tip top shape, penciled sharpened, and ready to go, but I fall short. Although my classes are all online this semester, there is still the constant worry of a sudden death of my wifi connection or the fact that the answers will not all be an easy google search away, making my head ache and the stress of finals week real.
"Only two days left" I chant over and over again hoping that in two days, this week will have all just been a small nightmare and I can go back to shopping and worrying about the petty things in my life; like new boys who give mixed signals and my new dentist who I think flirts with me. He stroked my cheek, and he definitely did not have to. Soon enough, those will be the only things that occupy my unsettled mind... Until I begin my summer classes in a couple weeks. But for now, I chant my mantra and say a prayer that the essays will be short and the multiple choice questions will be common sense because YAPO, there are "only two days left."


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