
Showing posts from January, 2018

With a capital Z like weezy

I finally gave in to trying the papa johns on campus. I knew that once I let myself have a slice, I'd probably give in more often than not. It's greazy, so greasy that you have to say it in a way that stretches out the eeeeeeee sound, like the cheeeeeeeeese that end up being pulled off the pizza on the way to your mouth. The pepperonis shine bright red, they seem to be a warning of impending doom (or diabetes). I thought about getting smart water, but Coke is cheaper, and I already gave into the greazy cheezy trap, quicker than a mouse. Today is Tuesday, which is turning into my favorite day of the week. I have all my writing classes on Tuesday, and although that means I'm stuck on campus for the rest of the day, it means I may learn something. My story was supposed to be critiqued today, read out loud in all it's glory, only to be picked apart piece by piece. But in a change of fate, it was read aloud by a shaky me, a voice toooooo louuuuud echoing in my ears last Th

Hoy maneje por todo Santiago

I started off my morning driving to Las Condes mijo. Hasta donde viven los cuicos, a un hospital que tenia sillas de ruedas de real, y ventanas mirando a la cuidad. Yo solo he ido al Sotero, entonces me sorprendí de las cosas que a veces juramos que necesitamos. Pero igual fue bacán no tener que esperar entre los muertos y los perros? Lleve a mi tía enyesada por las calles locas de Santiago. Entiendo porque le da miedo a la gente manejar. Sin filas organizadas y con el acompañante de bocinas, tocando mas fuerte que mi radio, ni puedo enfocarme en los lomo toros, menos las cuervas anchas de manejar un vehiculo grande. Pero llegamos, poco sanos pero salvos y solo veinte minutos tarde. Me olvide de la palabra para ascensor. Pero al menos lo escribí bien. Ya estaba manejando de nuevo, ósea, empujando a la Nancita en su silla de ruedas. Al tratar de escapar de los choques, me río a los gritos que se escapan por la velocidad. Me dice que tendré los mansos músculos, y lo le creo, porque


Quisiera irme a Alabama para estar al lado de otro mar y caminar mirando los edificios antiguos solo por un ratito Quisiera poder ilustrar lo que siento de una manera sencilla mas fuerte con una voz suave como los cantantes latinos tocando su guitarra con la harmonia Quisiera poder tener la confianza que antes tuve para poder querer saludarle con ojos que tienen su lengua propia mostrando lo que vive mas atrás de los pupilas quisieras saber que color son?



Maluma baby

I haven't written in so long, i figured that today I would, I could try to write something, anything. But here I am, an hour later, after falling into a facebook oh i wonder what this person's up to spiral, went as far to even check my twitter which i only ever used to tweet from years 2013-2016, and accidentally followed the cute guy I used to work with.  Today is Sunday, and for some reason, I spent like 6 hours at church. I learned, yes, but did i nap, no.  Tomorrow we should be going to st louis, to see the arch for the seventh time in my life. I have like 30 drafts from over break that I should have taken the time to write up into stories for my creative writing class, but school starts tuesday.  Things to do before tueday: Finish registering for classes, write something, write something, and transfer my contacts to my new phone. Ugh.  If I were tweeting right now, it would obviously be about my love for Maluma and how one of my new years resolution is to see him in